Congress President Sonia Gandhi’s daughter Priyanka Gandhi is a drunkard said ex minister Subramanyaswami of Bharathiya Janatha Party. He said that she and her husband Vdera have a very bad name.
Subramanya Swami stated that if she would have contested in Varanasi against Modi then she would have lost very badly. He said that their family members have protected her by not letting her contest against Modi otherwise she would have lost by a very big margin.
Priyanka Gandhi is a thankless person who went to visit the person who killed her father said Subramanyaswami. Congress part yleaders are mad at the statements made by Subramanyaswami.
The Congress leaders striked in front of his house and asked him to apologize to Priyanka. But Subramanyaswami who was undeterred by the strike said that if anyone has any problem with his statements then they can go to the court.