Andhra Pradesh has been a substantial growth in income of liquor in the past eight months (April to November). A revenue of Rs 7581.5 crore has been collected during this period against Rs 7.292 million rupees last year. Control on non-duty paid liquor and strict vigilence is the reason behind the revenue growth.
Not much difference between the sales of Indian Made Liquor (IML) this year (189 lakh cases) and last year (188.7 lakh cases). However, beer consumption has grown at a rapid pace taking it to 122.58 lakh cases this year compared to 112.94 lakh cases last year.
Currently, AP has about 4,000 points of sale of alcoholic beverages. While Visakhapatnam leads in the consumption of liquor (Rs 800 million rupees), Srikakulam contributes only 364.2 million rupees.