CHENNAI: In a shocking incident, a minor Muslim girl from Salem was sold to a wealthy businessman of Rs 12 lakh. Class X student of a school with the help of government Suramangalam, was then married to the 36-year-old divorcee Cuddalore, October 12.
The incident came to light when the girl's mother complained to Childline district, seeking custody of their minor daughter. The marriage was solemnized in the presence of leaders and families on both sides Pennadam local Cuddalore district. The girl's mother has already filed a habeas corpus petition before the High Court of Madras for the girl to be produced in court.
The 14-year-old, is the eldest daughter Begum * and Sathik Basha. Babu, the son of a local politician, lawyer friend's mother made while frequenting the house of the latter to discuss a civil lawsuit Chinnapalayam Salem. He pressured the couple to get married with him girl by sending messages to the family, threatening suicide.
"He even made an offer of Rs 12 lakh and could not withstand the pressure and accepted the proposal," Begum, a lawyer based in Cuddalore said. The girl had then completed their quarterly exams. The problems began when the girl's parents visited Pennadam invite to a ceremony at home. They came to know that her husband Babu had a child two years of age, from a previous marriage. A wordy duel ensued between the two families and local intervened to solve the problem.
In a complaint demanding to return his daughter Begum, the welfare office Cuddalore district came into action on Saturday. When officials of the social welfare department visited the residence of Babu, they were told that everything was fine and there was nothing to worry about. "Even the girl admitted that it was his parents who sold her to Babu. She showed no sign of distress. As we had no evidence to suggest that she was a minor, who left then," social welfare officer Cuddalore district R Bhuvaneswari told TOI.
The mother of the girl sent her birth certificate for social welfare officer. Armed with papers, officers returned to the house Pennadam Babu on Thursday night, but faced strong resistance from the girl's family. "We have received the help of district police and took the girl to short stay at home. She will occur before the child welfare committee soon," said Bhuvaneswari.