GUNTUR: South Central Railway division (SCR) Guntur fetched additional revenue of Rs 41.38 lakh during August through dawn raids and inspections for traveling without a ticket.
According to the commercial division manager senior, C Ramakrishna, who have won Rs 41.38 lakhs of 25,650 cases. He said about 8,694 cases were booked people for not having authority prescribed format your trip and 16,956 were reserved for luggage transportation-booking with them beyond the permissible limits.
He said the performance during August was surpassed by more than 10.1% in the total number of reserved cases and 18.9% in the gains compared to the previous August. He said Rs 53,600 was collected fines of 268 people for littering railway facilities. At the end of the first five months of the current financial year 2014-15, 1,26,063 cases registered Guntur division and earned Rs 2 crore, Ramakrishna said.