Against the wishes of farmers on the land pooling land developed by a lottery system will be assigned.
The draft AP Capital Region Development Authority Bill says, "For the final award of plot / land shall be by drawing lots." Farmers, who are willing to give their land to land pooling for the construction of the capital demanded that the government should allocate the land where their homeland was located.
However, contrary to this the government said parcels or developed land will be allocated through a lottery system for landowners. The bill, said the location of the final / land plot reconstituted anywhere in the identified area of the final award scheme development will be done by lottery.
The bill also said to provide the consent of the owners of the final Plot / land be assigned together as a common final plot. The title of landowners covered by the scheme of development will be verified with reference to records of receipts and registration documents by the officer authorized by the CRDA. Will determine the size and shape of each plot in the scheme of development, so it may be, to its development and compliance regime possible.
The government said the bill that the development scheme can be prepared in sectors with the name and number of plots, roads and developed late parcels that will be allotted on area development plan for homeowners agree the eligibility as prescribed.
The CRDA can allocate the land allocated to it as a separate sector or group of sectors specific purpose and reconstituted plot / end of the land owners in the independent sector or group of sectors for the purposes specified in the plan development, the bill added lands. The development scheme may contain plans to form last plot / land by the reconstitution of the original land by altering its limits. The bill adds that the location of the last plot / land will be identified anywhere in the area development scheme.