THE Governor Narsimhan convened a meeting with Andhra Pradesh, Telangana Ministers of Education Ganta Srinivas Rao and Reddy Jagadeesh today to discuss the interim examinations in the two states.
AP Intermediate Boards and their separate Telangana has relased for newly intermediate examinations schedules. According to the schedule, the Inter exams would be held from March 11 to March 31 in Andhra Pradesh and March 9 to March 27 in Telangana.
Yesterday, Governor Narsimhan THE convened a meeting with officials of the Intermediate Board, both states and discussed the issue. In addition, the chief minister met Governor Telangana KCR personally Rajbhavan yesterday at 7 pm and gave a report related to the same.
According to the act AP Reorgaisation 2014, admissions would be carried out in combination, but no exams, said Minister of Telangana eductaion Jagadeesh Reddy. Moreover, Education Minister AP is favorable for conducting examinations combined way students who later suffer for EAMCET, NIT and other oppositions.
Governor meeting with the Ministers of Education of the two AP and Telangana would bring clarity on the subject.