Sumpoornaeshbabu, no one knows whom he is till the first look of the movie` Hrudayamkaleyam` got released. Even media people were crazy about him at a point of time to telecast his interview in their channels. All this hype and recognition for this Social network star came from his Facebook account and public response in the form of comments on his posts on FB wall.
Cine analysts are saying that Sumpoornesh is targeting a big family to sustain this buzz among Telugu movie lovers. Initially, by looking at overdose dialogues in the movie first look people thought he is targeting either Mahesh babu or Nandamuri hero's. However, the recent stills from the movie are like mega hero's stills on posters. This leaves a big question before the audience those who are curious to know whom Sumpoornesh is targeting. One thing is clear that Sumpoornesh is definitely targeting someone in the industry in order to create hype and hence to get a big success with his debut movie. We need to wait till the movie release to know whom he is targeting, and the reactions from the fan base of the victim hero.