Tech savvy, AP chief minister Chandrababu known for his unique style. Be it is dressing or working style or ideas Babu used to carry his mark.
The AP chief minister yet again showed his mark but this time he followed American president Barrack Obama.The chief minister had recently released the white paper on the irrigation of the state in a press conference and what attracted many is the design of the meeting venue.
CBN brought a significant change in his press conference’s appearance style. The media interaction setup at the press meet venue looked very much like that US President Barack Obama. There is the official logo of Andhra Pradesh government behind Chandra Babu and the national flag on his right.
Only prime ministers of the nations have this type set up when they hold press conferences. Especially it resembled the style of Obama and indirectly Babu indicates his verge of developing the state in lines of USA .This is Naidu’s first ever press conference where he shown more patriotism visually.