The Other Day, While entire state was debating Cabinet approval on Telangana, one of the Telugu news channel telecasted a very amusing story about forthcoming elections outcomes.
There is no need to introduce the channel name as you might already got that on top of your head. Yes, your assumption is true it is one of those channels of YSRCP`s media hub. Concurring to the channel reports Jagan party is going to sweep whole Rayalaseema region this time. For some space people believed the paid story. However, political questioners analyzed that it is not a cake walk for the new party in both Anantapur and Chittoor. They appended TDP is competent to gain at least 15- 18 seats in these two districts alone. If this is the case, script reporter who cooked the story should reveal how come YSRCP is going to sweep given part of Andhrapradesh.