Washington: After the head of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden was killed by special forces of the United States in the garrison city of Pakistan in Abbottabad, his body was kept in a heavy black bag 300 pounds of iron chain and dropped at sea, the former CIA director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said.
After Osama was shot dead, Panetta said, as planned body most wanted terrorist in the world was carried by Marines flying an Osprey aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson waiting for burial at sea.
"The body of Bin Laden was prepared for burial according to Muslim traditions, wrapped in a white shroud, because last prayers in Arabic, and then placed in a heavy black bag," Panetta wrote in his latest book 'Fights Worthy: a Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace, "which hit bookstores on Tuesday.
"Three hundred pounds of iron chains were put inside too, to make sure the body would collapse," he wrote.
"The body bag was placed on a white table in the ship's rail, the table turned to drop the body at sea was so heavy that it dragged the table that as the body quickly sank .. view the table balanced on the surface, "Panetta said, without identifying the location.