Main challenges for KCR is to develop Telengana into the most powerful South Indian region. Already, IT hub in Telengana is on the top in South India and the only aspect he has to fulfill is to develop the remaining regions. On the other hand, capital city development is the main task for Chandra Babu Naidu.
Compared to Chandra Babu Naidu, KCR is a bit ahead in all the aspects. In case of grabbing film city, KCR is on the top. In the aspect of incubation facility, KCR’s government is in lead. Even in case of technology upgrading, KCR’s government is way ahead of TDP. Now, KCR is developing the R&D base in Telengana further.
DRDO is going to setup 1600 Crores worth of project in Hyderabad. It is stated to be the first in India in technology aspect. Considering all these aspects, Chandra Babu Naidu got defeated for now in the hands of KCR. Lets see how this competition goes further!