As a young hero Nitin prepares for another treat in theaters with "Chinnadaana Nee Kosam" on December 25, here comes the way for the big launch as Censor Board cleared the film a / A Certificate U. Probably one could have expected a cool 'U' for its content, but officials decided censor T / a, due to some "action" content in the film.
Directed by specialist Karunakaran love story "Chinnadaana Nee Kosam" has to do with Nitin woo his beloved Mishti Chakroborthy. But like all love stories have, this story also falls into the clutches of the obstacles and the film is about overcoming them. Comedy and romance are the central elements, says talk Censorship Board. The film is beautiful for its visuals and scenes assembly, while its fresh content will attract young people. We have to wait for December 25 to learn more about love story fourth consecutive Nitin.