Chandrababu Naidu, who wants to be the next chief minister of Andhra Pradesh at any cost is now targeting a big issue. Brijeshkumar tribunal verdict, which is leaving Telugu people with no hopes on Krishna river additional water.
Yellow party leader is well known for his vision and strategies. Now he wants to use this opportunity to attract both Andhra and Telangana region people towards Desam party at a time.As per action plan, he is visiting Delhi to meet President Mr. Mukarji to request to stop the implementation of Brijeshkumar tribunal verdict. This morning Naidu announced that he is ready for hunger strike as well,If circumstances demands. Analyst are saying this is going turn out another achievement for Babu in grabbing people attention as Uthharakhand floods relief , Where Babu reacted very early than any other Teluguparty, On the other side , Congress is the one who is going to stand as a culprit in this situation in public bone. Whereas, Yuvajanasramikarythu party has no thoughts to what to do about this case as Y S Rajasekarreddy is the main person behind this major lose to Telugu community as Water resources are concerned.