NEW DELHI: popular email services such as Gmail and Yahoo are likely to be banned for official use to protect critical and sensitive government data.
A proposal in this regard is moving by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (deity) to Cabinet approval later this month, sources said.
The communication from the Government, unless the ministry of defense and foreign affairs, he will use the platform of the National Informatics Centre (NIC), added.
While the Ministry of Defence has its own mail server separate insurance, foreign affairs may also follow suit.
The move comes amid concerns about increasing cyber crime and piracy incidents. Earlier this week, it was reported five million usernames and passwords of Google that have leaked on the Internet by Russian hackers.
Government expects the official communication of the route through (NIC) email service of the National Informatics Centre.
Deity has drafted the policy on the use of email for office and government departments and the views and comments of the ministries concerned are being taken in this regard, sources said.
Sources said that the policy seeks to protect large amounts of data importance and critical government aims to make it mandatory for government offices communicate nic.in platform only, not services commercial email from Gmail, Yahoo , Hotmail, etc
Policy is expected to cover about 5-6 lakh employees central and state government to use the email service provided by the NIC, added.
To ensure the smooth operation of the NIC platform, deity soon require around Rs 5.4 million rupees to ramp up infrastructure NIC.
In addition, a total investment of about 50 to 100 crore would be required for full operationability policy, including the integration of e-mail messages with the cloud to official data can be saved on a cloud platform and can be easily shared with the relevant ministries and departments.
Governments worldwide have also been trying to secure his position as communications officer consequences of Snowden saga, which supported the American intelligence agencies used a program datamining secret to controlling Internet data around the world to spy on several countries including India.