Hyderabad: Osmania University held on UGC-NET examination on December 28 from 9:30 to 16:00. Candidates appearing for the exam have been advised to download the information related to your test center and directions through the web www. osmania.ac.in or www. apset.org. They have been warned to achieve its test center at 9am itself and none of the candidates will be allowed after 9:50 a.m. to the center.
Candidates belonging to Physically / visually impaired (VH PH /) category, which are unable to write the UGC-NET examination on their own and scribes need to have been invited to make a request to the Chief Superintendent / Director his worried testing center for the organization of a scribe at least a week before the test, without which it can not provide the type as UGC-NET Coordinator Prof. Reddy B Rajeshwara.