There is a buzz in film circles about Annapurna studios staff exclaiming Akkineni Akhil as next ‘Prince of Tollywood’ after Mahesh. Whether staff may be bestowing affection on their ‘Boss’‘King’ Nagarjuna`s son Akhil by treating him as so or following the attitude of treating King`s son as Prince, but the fact is that the first and new title for Akhil is now growing more popular in cineindustry.
However, the opposite sector is not ready to accept Akhil as succeeding Prince of Tollywood! Guess whom they are? Yes! it`s none other than ‘Legend’ Balakrishna fans, they are claiming that title Prince is more appropriate for Mokshagna than Akhil. To support their assertions N fans are making a note that Nag is granted King title by himself, and he also exhorted people to call him as king. In addition, nag is not as dominant as Balayya in governing people of TFI. May be Nadamurifans arguments are true. Ultimately time has to decide the next prince of Tollywood.