1) Jandhya marutām
A comprehensive book on the total of 39 films Senior Director comedy genre of Tollywood. This book also covers back ground information such films, Jandhyala personal life. A must-read for lovers of comedy Telugu cinema. It is not a surprise to be a number one in October, 2014.
2) Loya Nundi Sikharaniki
The last book in the popular Telugu all time favorite writer Yandamoori Veerendranath Loya nunchi Sikharaniki remains on the table by the third month. A lucid book very well written motivation urge to keep our race alive.
3) Kruta Yug
Suryadevara Rammohana Rao, who wrote over 100 novels Telugu. Krutayug is the latest book by this author. An interesting love story woven around Hindu mythology, advanced technology and the treasury.
4) Nisabda Nadam
Dynamic latest book writer Nisabda nadam of Madhubabu. This book is still in the letter from the month of release. Nisabda nadam is getting all the praise from fans and new Telugu Madhubabu readers alike. A highly readable, entertaining book.
5) Ramayana Visha Vruksham
Author Ranganayakamma, Visha Vruksham Ramayana is selling fifth book of the month of 2014. A traditional Ramayana retold very traditional way. Highly recommended for the present age of open-mindedness.
6) Arabian Kamasastram
As a Hindu Vatsyayana Kamasastra, Arab lands had their own Kama Shastra. Top sixth book in this month's Arab Kamasastram. It will be interesting to read what Kamastra Arabia has. Is not it?
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Press release by: IndianClicks.com