There was a time when temples were intended exclusively for the gods. Then came a time when babas also got built temples. Now the trend is such that there are temples for movie stars and political leaders as well.
Somehow Tamil Nadu takes this trend and the latest development in the temple scene is that the choreographer turned director Lawrence Raghavendra has built a temple for her mother.
In fact, he has the experience of having built a temple in the past. Mother is the living God and thanks to the mother of one that children become responsible citizens.
While raising children is relatively easy for the well to do parents, his mother raised him despite having few resources. And to honor his memory, Lawrence built a temple for her at home.
But now, the temple will be open to everyone to pray? Or are you going to be restricted only to members of your family? Many are confused if Lawrence wants everyone to come and pray in the temple. When he was asked, Lawrence says what is wrong in seeing his mother in her mother.
Well, until now one saw parents who worshiped at the place where they are buried after death. But now, if children start building temples for their parents, which could lead to new problems. However, I must say that Lorenzo is a rather emotional man.