Well, Megastar Chiranjeevi still has a following undefeated fans has now attacked the most charming, Mahesh Babu. Shocked! But why? Well, do not take the meaning in real sense! It's like Chiranjeevi has declared a title for the next hero Mega Mega as Prince !!
Varun Teja seems to be the next generation of Mega rule is given an interesting title that is Mega Prince. Mahesh Babu who hailed as the Prince now has competition in its title. Its height and complexion makes you to be titled as Prince says a source close. At the launch of audio, praised Varun Teja Chiranjeevi and revealed that Mega title to the debutante not even try his fate at the box office.
However, many critics said he may be a contest for Mahesh Babu in terms of appearance and physical. So, what do you think? Chiru is really attacking Mahesh using Varun? Well, let's see if you can recover the good name even with his acting skills.