Huge buzz, which is making rounds in Tamil media is that South Indian number one director Shankar may direct Megastar chiranjeevi soon. Going by the reports from Tamil media, Shankar has planned 'Robo 2' with Tamil Superstar Rajinikanth, next to his current project 'Ai'. Rajinikanth, however, has not given his nod to work for this project due to health issues. On the other hand, great actor Kamal Haasan can't adjust his dates due to his ongoing projects. Having taken the suggestions from his close sources, Shankar has reportedly planned to do this mega project in the combo of chiranjeevi. Speculations were already rife that Shankar has narrated the story to chiranjeevi and is waiting chiranjeevi's nod for the project.
According to the inside sources, chiranjeevi will work with VV Vinayak for a pacca mass and family entertainer like 'Gang Leader' as his 150th movie. And Shankar's movie is likely to be released as chiranjeevi's 151st venture.